

Rickreall Event Hall LLC

Sherry Garcia Phone: 503-931-6950

Email: rickrealleventhall@hotmail.com


305 Nesmith Rd.

Rickreall OR 97371

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 151

Rickreall OR 97371


Salem: West on Hwy 22 toward the Oregon Coast, take exit 16 (Monmouth Exit), turn RIGHT at the top of the bridge, take LEFT at signal light intersection of Rickreall Road, turn left on NESMITH road, follow all the way to the end to entrance.

Independence & Monmouth: North on highway 99 (South Pacific Hwy) , Right at signal light intersection of Rickreall Road, turn left on NESMITH road, follow all the way to the end to entrance.

Dallas: East leaving Dallas on Ellendale, take cut off on right on to Rickreall Road, Go STRAIGHT at signal light of Highway 99 (South Pacific Hwy), turn left on NESMITH road, follow all the way to the end to entrance.
